12 codes to remind you of key fundamentals and a review of simple yet powerful notions that are part of your integration journey ahead. Menopause is not just a period of change. It is your personal preparation for your wise years.
Menopause is the larva soup of the caterpillar that has gone inside its cocoon and is metabolising internally into something new. So much confusion, everything is being undone. 12 codes, 12 imaginal cells part of your new structure.
12 sovereignty principles together forming a new language that as a strong woman of our times you will need to speak to your children, guide your communities with and for sure use to instruct the future generations ahead.
I highly recommend this program for any woman who’s ready for change and truth.
Denise Azira
Our first month together is inside your Inner World, all about your Source and what this means for you personally. Often it takes a little while to recharge and appreciate anew your own relationship with yourself.
Come Home is about diving in your own self and finding what home means to you. With Do Resonance you vibrate at your natural frequency and tune in deeply. Be You is an invitation to come back to natural you and connect with nature and Purpose It is a fascinating exploration of the world of your purpose.
All four codes invite you to dance with your own self, in your own Inner World, so as to explore your relationship to Source, the big changes that take place in your life during this important phase and why menopause is your best ally in your path back to yourself.
Our second month together is right at the Threshold and all about your Calibration. If with Source you return back to yourself, Calibration is at the heart of the menopause transformation where all the alchemy and metamorphosis take place.
You explore what it means to know your worth with Value You, you understand why entering your inner authority allows you to Access Power, you Unlock Trust by going back to your good senses and when you unfold your wings and get ready to fly you Unwrap Freedom.
These codes invite you to dance with your own self, right at the Threshold, engaging with the Outer World but always keeping a keen eye in your Inner World. Sometimes you dance with your self, sometimes you dance with others and life, yet always you calibrate at the level of your heart, tuning back to love and source.
Our last month together is in your Outer World and all about Creation. After you return to your Source and complete your Calibration at the heart space it is now time to fully engage out in the world. You need to go through the fire of living it and experiencing it. This is your menopause initiation.
Here you Recognise Timing when you start weaving with your own rhythm and you Dare Express by bringing your unique self to light. As you expand together with others and People Bond you are more than ready to let life dance you and Go Creative.
You are the dancer now and with these codes it is open floor dance time. The floor is indeed yours to dance, create and celebrate with others, out in the world, as you embody your full, wise, real you.
I didn't expect work so profound and so different from what exists on menopause. What I found about menopause was mostly related to medical and emotional aspects, which ended up being very reductive. This work brings a new perspective, a new look at the menopause process. It is a liberating proposal.
Claudia Carolino
Mondays, you start your week with a delightful energising moment that captures in a nutshell the energy of the Code and invites you to ponder on what it means for you in a relaxed way that appeals to your five senses.
Tuesdays are a deep dive inside your being with a short and fun guided journey, a portal of presence forming a bridge for you, to revisit the Code with wisdom and prompts that come from your own subconscious.
Wednesdays to Fridays you engage, at your own pace, with the scrolls of the Code, constellations of unbecoming and undoing, each one coming with a simple action-oriented or artistic inspiration to help you ground the material.
Saturdays are your integration days where you take the time to reflect, digest, let the Code sink in and bring to a closure the full workings of the week using journaling and making your own observations.
Get Togethers are 2h interactive calls that mark the beginning and ending of each month. Get Together 1 designates the start of your journey with introductions and presentation of the Codex. The next three calls cover meaningful sharings on the month before and an introduction to the codes for the month to come. Get Together 4 also marks the closing with a celebration of our time deep-diving together.
Self Encounters work with setting an intention to explore something about yourself with the help of the group. The woman doing her Self Encounter chooses three women to become her resonators and engages with them directly in a conversation. The session ends when alchemy takes place with the woman and her resonant parts feeling unified, in peace. It is powerful work exquisitely facilitated by Milagros Carmona.
Conversations is a safe space to ignite the menopause talk and exchange freely and deeply between us while we address health, ageing and femininity in a relaxed, women’s lounge manner. It requires active listening and deep respect for every woman’s experience, perceptions and sharings. Together we create a menopause field and a healthy container for generations of women to come.
Menopause is a crossroads.
You enter a new cycle of change.
The Menopause Codex is the kind of work that calls you back to yourself.
It is a decision to enter your own flowering revolution and integration.
A deep dive always has an unsettling element. It is not easy.
Making it a priority is a full body decision, as in recognition.
It is truly a challenge to navigate the change, to let it teach you, allow it to alter your plans, accept it and eventually become it. Distractions, busyness, addictions and your comfort zone will all come knocking on your door calling you to join their company instead.
But change and stagnation do not go together. It is one or the other.
You are either ready to answer the call and take on the menopause challenge to change or you are not. If you are ready to take the time, invest and commit so as to embrace a new version of yourself on the other side of this life-changing threshold, then you have come to the right place at the right time.
Not taking action is deciding to stay the same.
Not ready to dive in is also okay but then this course is not for you.
By joining the Menopause Codex you join a Women's Private Lounge, assuring a safeguarded and luxurious experience. Life-time membership is free and provides you exclusive access to the online platform, zoom calls and a range of knowledge on the menopause codes. All activities through or within the Lounge occur within the private domain only.
More than expanding your awareness and finding precious support the Menopause Codex meets you in ways you have not been met before. At the end of the 12 weeks you get to receive Menopause Codex The Book, a physical version of all the code decoded scrolls, right in your letter box, for you to enjoy at the comfort of your home.
When you join the Menopause Codex Experience you are part of an opulent affiliate program which ensures that all women destined to be touched by this work are gifted 50% off their enrolment while you receive 1 deck card per enrolled woman. You can choose out of 3 affiliate deck cards - Source, Calibration or Creation - to start completing your physical Codex.
The Menopause Codex is a 12 week experience that helps you expand your awareness and find precious support by immersing yourself in the field, energy and deep waters of menopause.
Each week unlocks with a Code and you receive an Energising Moment, a Guided Journey, the Code Decoded scrolls and a Reflection Journal, overall:
- 12 Codes
- 12 Energising Moments
- 12 Guided Journeys
- 144 Code Decoded Scrolls
- 144 Artistic and Inspirational Prompts
- 12 Reflection Journals
During the 3 months you are invited to participate in 10 live zoom calls:
- 4 Get Togethers for sharing on you and the codes
- 3 Self Encounters sessions for deep resonance work within the group
- 3 Conversations on health, ageing and femininity
- Menopause Codex The Book, 150 pages delivered to your home
- Free membership to a Women's Private Lounge
- Access to an opulent Affiliate Program where you can complete your physical Codex with up to 3 Card Decks each time a friend of yours enrols in the next round of the program.
Once you join the program, membership to a Women's Private Lounge is free and you enjoy life-time access to the material.
No. The full Menopause Codex is 1200€.
Currently, you receive a 50% discount because you join the Soft Launch by entering the discount code SOFTLAUNCH at the checkout.
Once you have completed the Codex you are then eligible to join our Affiliate Program and send up to 3 invitations to your friends at a discounted 50% while you receive the material in Card Deck form.
Checkout is via Stripe. Click on Klarna for 3 interest-free payments. Remember to use your SOFTLAUNCH coupon.
No, it is even better. You receive a physical version of all the 12 Codes Decoded straight into your mailbox at the end of the 3 months. This is why we require a valid postal address at the checkout.
The Menopause Codex is a 3 month journey navigating along with the energies of Source, Calibration and Creation.
There are 3 Card Decks, one for each phase. Each Deck includes 48 cards that correspond to the material and prompts you receive in the Code Decoded.
The Card Decks are fine physical complements that go together with The Book. You can use them in an oracle deck manner after you have completed the Codex to get inspired, dive deeper, revisit the material or any other creative way you can imagine.
It really depends on you. You are your own time master when it comes to exploring and doing this work.
Each week has a rhythm:
you receive a 5-10’ energising moment and quick prompts to ponder on the code during your day.
you listen to an 8-15’ audio that guides you inside yourself and allows you to inwardly and creatively explore the code during your day.
you are now ready to receive the Code Decoded Scrolls, a set of 10 powerful writings that will help you navigate the transition. You are invited to explore them the rest of the week at your pace. You can take notes, reflect, apply, release and resolve.
These go deep and some will take you longer than others. Some women spend 2 or 3 hours, others make it a daily practice.
you wrap up the energy of the week by reflecting, journaling and introspecting.
There is no right or wrong way of doing this. You are invited to explore the Codes at your own pace. Some women brush through them in a couple of hours and come back as they see necessary. Others dedicate a small hour of their day as a ‘me time’ gift to themselves. Some prefer to dive in the Code all in one on a Sunday morning or whenever they have a solid block of time where they can do things for themselves. Sometimes, women skip whole parts because of ‘life’ and surprisingly find out at the sharings that what they experienced was exactly what the energy of the Codes was inciting them to embrace.
So all is how it should be. There is no obligation to do it all but for sure if you dance with the suggested rhythm of the week, you will find that the codes start calling you instead, and the way you relate to menopause all reaches a new level.
Do remind yourself that the changes of menopause can last a while. This is a 12 week program that gives you knowledge and valuable tools for you to navigate, release, unlock and integrate things all along this incredible period of your life. Why not let menopause become your ally and get precious help?
The Get Together and Conversations calls are all recorded and you will have access to them in your profile under My Recordings. There are no recordings for the 5 Self Encounter sessions. These are live, therapeutic work within the group and thus remain private.
It is recommended you join at the start date as you will be introduced to valuable information. If for reasons beyond your reach you cannot, it can still be possible to join up to two weeks in the program, Sunday 21st of April.
Next time the Menopause Codex will run is in September 2024. Please contact us if you wish to be informed at ioanna@menopausecodex.org
At 59, it was a joy and a privilege to have access to this wonderful and transformative work. It brought me recognition and validation of what I had already experienced with menopause. It gave me the opportunity to become aware of the process I had been going through for the last 10 years.
I feel so grateful to have been a part of Menopause Codex. It’s knowledge that goes beyond menopause. It’s self-help, all that we women go through as humans/souls/light beings navigating changes of womanhood especially in menopause. All the knowledge that Ioanna puts out there has been so healing. Some of it I’m still going through, some of it I’ve gotten past.
The Menopause Codex is more than an intellectual manual. There is a rhythm that is established that is very physical. Everything becomes smoother and clearer. What’s crazy is associating menopause with the new! It’s super revolutionary and evolutionary. We are in the archetype of the menopausal woman who regains her creative power.
At 62 I can say that when I was entering menopause, I would have needed the kind of guidance and reflexion resources that The Menopause Codex offers. It’s a valuable way to go through the phase that will bring us to our own new woman.
This journey was immensely transformative. If you are seeking to dive to a more profound level of understanding, to a space of clearing patterns that no longer serve you, and are willing to explore your truth, this is certainly for you! Ioanna's recommendations carry a deep intuitive wisdom that resonates perfectly with the various stages women experience. It was a reassuring confirmation that I was on track. I was not alone! The container that Ioanna creates provides connections that are so unexpected yet incredibly valuable. The generosity of each woman left me in awe! During these moments of connection, everything I had processed on my own, came to life in a completely different way. I am immensely grateful to Ioanna for bringing beautiful souls together who all want to live their lives to their full potential.
The Menopause Codex is not just a program; it is a gateway to discovering your inner strength, embracing change, and living a more fulfilled life. Here's to all the women embarking on this journey - may you find in the Codex the same solace, strength, and empowerment that I did.
Ioanna's Menopause Codex is a gem for all women entering into or going through menopause. It gives you profound insights and a totally different and supporting perspective on this valuable time of transition that far too often is just labeled as a period in your life that you should fear. Having gone through menopause already I wish this program was available for me when I was undergoing the sometimes challenging transformation myself, to become the wiser and more grounded woman that I am today.